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                  Infinity Learning Maps

HSF is the proud sponsor of Infinity Learning Maps and is responsible for bringing this program to the United States. In April 2017 Monterey County Unified School District introduced the first US pilot of Infinity Learning Maps in Salinas, California sponsored by the Harry Singer Foundation of San Francisco, Salinas and New Zealand. (

Mel Kaplan was first introduced to Brian Annan and the concept of Infinity Learning Maps while on a trip to NZ in 2014.  Mel immediately recognized the potential.

Video - Infinity Learning Maps

Mary Wootton, lower right, works with students at Rancho Cielo

What is Infinity Learning Maps?

Infinity Learning Maps is a unique learning methodology where students learn to draw, analyze and improve the interactive web surrounding their current learning interests and supportive resources, including interactions with teachers, parents, siblings, friends, pastors, locations and technology.  They then decide on changes they need to make in order to achieve their goals.  The student’s drawings are called “Infinity Learning Maps”. 

Why Infinity Learning Maps?

Educators and families often ask: How can our kids take more responsibility for their learning and develop more agency?  Infinity Learning Maps may be the missing component, a student support tool to identify their current learning situation; and what they want to change, what they need to do differently to make the changes and identify necessary resources to help them achieve their goals.

For more info, go to
Find out how infinity Learning Maps can help your kids! 
CALL SHARON:  844-767-4483 

 Mary Wootton with SAFE school     teacher, Krisha Kerr and class

                 Student Map

Mel Kaplan with Brian Annan and Mary Wootton in New Zealand

"Because of the generosity of HSF and ILM, I believe this is the beginning of an exciting new educational program for our school district."


Chris Devers


Brian & Mary.jpeg

Brian Annan and Mary Wootton, Infinity Learn



October 2019




I was amazed and grateful while watching these videos. I have a special place in my heart for these YC young men. Despite their circumstances and history, they have unlimited potential given the right opportunities and influences. It's hard to describe how excited I am to have Jaimee and Edward molding these students on a daily basis, and your interactions with them in these videos just magnify their potential.


Thank you for dedicating your time to these young men. The sky is the limit!!!!!!!

Jeff Hardig, Principal 

Youth Center

Monterey County Office of Education

Salinas, CA

June 2017

Dear Mr. Kaplan, 

I am pleased to report the week of April 17, 2017 was very exciting.   Monterey County Unified School District, alternative learning programs held the first US pilot of Infinity Learning Maps in Salinas, California.  Classes were held at four sites:  SAFE, Silver Star, Peacock Acres and Rancho Cielo.  The students ranged from ages 12 to 19 and are considered “at risk” kids.   Students set up Chrome books so they were able take photos of their maps and create videos about their maps (screen castify) and then store them in a goggle folder and copy the link into their database google form. This gives students the opportunity to look back at previous videos and maps and their data associated with their map to see the changes that have occurred.   In addition, training sessions were held with the teachers and team leaders.   


We appreciate the generous contributions as follows:!

Harry Singer Foundation of $7,000 for travel and expenses to bring Brian Annan and Mary Wootton from New Zealand to lead the instruction of approximately 50 students and provide teach-the-teacher sessions. 

The personal contribution made by Brian and Mary to deliver a week of training without compensation.  We recognize their personal contribution would equate to approximately $6,000 and only serves as a testament to their commitment to transforming the lives of our kids.   

Because of the generosity of HSF and ILM, I believe this is the beginning of an exciting new educational program for our district. 





Chris Devers

Principal, Community Schools  

Alternative Programs

Monterey County Office of Education


2017 Published by Harry Singer Foundation

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