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Foundation 4 Innovation - Industry Ideas and Innovation Challenge Santa Cruz & Monterey County Schools.

Foundation4 Innovation (F4I) has recognized this need in our community and is launching our first annual “Industry Ideas and Innovations Challenge (I3C).”


This competition is backed by the Harry Singer Foundation and aligned to the SBA (Small Business Administrations) format for writing a business plan, and covers many of the standards for financial literacy, innovation, critical thinking, technological proficiency and college and career readiness.


This is an opportunity for local students 13-25 enrolled in a local high school, community college, trade school or university to participate in a regional challenge and to easily weave project based learning into a course or pathway. 

  • Perfect as a capstone for CTE Pathways where students create projects, provide services or learn a skill that is marketable.

  • Can also be used as a standards based project for multiple core subjects:

    • Economics, accounting, science & math, etc. 

  • Satisfies the competition piece for Perkins leadership via alternate strategies

  • There are two challenge levels for participants.



Since the beginning 2 years ago, we’ve engaged over 337 students, 112 volunteers, judges and community members.  We are helping develop the local workforce, show students their personal value and their contribution to entrepreneurship, their community and the world.  

We have now successfully piloted 3/5 competitions:

2017 Published by Harry Singer Foundation

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